April 11, 2009

Virus pops up across Twitter

Per TechCrunch, a number of Twitter accounts were hacked into by a worm dubbed "Stalkdaily" on Saturday. It first appeared early Saturday, and it had a resurgence later in the day, according to the article.

Breaking Tweets' Twitter account @breakingtweets was among those hacked, but it is now back to normal after Twitter reset its password.

Tweets from around the world show the geographic span of the attack, with those affected from South Africa to Japan. Many users deleted tweets surrounding it, but here's some pertaining to the attack:

  1. Les Turner
    lescturner (Sydney, Australia) Nobody go to [censored] , someone hacked my account to promote them.
  2. Frank Hambach
    erpe (Berlin, Germany) i think i know now how this stalkdaily works. xss code injection which allows user sessions to be hijacked.
  3. Suntimes
    Suntimes (Chicago, Ill.) fwiw RT @judyrey URGENT !!! DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINK THAT HAS THE WORD STALK IN IT!! Viral. Phishing!! Plz RT now! RT #stalk
  4. Bárbara Santana
    theladyisugly (Brasilia, Brazil) So, people are being re-infected. It's probably best to stay away from Twitter.com. #stalkdaily
  5. Gérard van Schip
    puckman (London, U.K.) I'm changing my passwords on every site after visiting [censored]

@JoLoPe sent Breaking Tweets this site that helps affected users clean up their account: http://kodespark.tumblr.com/post/95149076/the-stalkdaily-worm-on-twitter

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