Chatter about a nuclear Iran has increased on Twitter in light of the news.
naeimkarimi (Tehran, Iran) Just back from Isfahan Nuclear Facility ... was a witness to the inauguration of Iran's FMP!! hplar220 (Quincy, Mass.) Today, with the grace of God, Iran is a country controlling the entire nuclear fuel cycle," Ahmadinejad said on state television nityen (Undisclosed) Why does Iran need nuclear power when they export oil? Does this make any sense? jmiclovesyou (San Bruno, Calif.) Iran now with nuclear power plants. Or an alibi for nuclear warfare? yelmeister (Urbana, Ill.) Nuclear weapons scare me. Iran having that power? That's a whole new level of scariness: maafa (London, U.K.) EXAMINING THE DETAILS OF IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM - EXAMINING THE DETAILS OF IRAN'S NUCLEAR PR..