The incident became a hot topic for Twitterers in Mexico, who provided both emotions and statements about the suburban rail system.
Carlos_Alberto (Mexico City, Mexico) Falla el tren suburbano, las personas estan varadas y el personal no sabe que hacer (The suburban train crashes, people are stranded and the staff does not know what to do) 19 Apr 2009 from MetaJonas (Mexico) liga correcta me preocupa pues yo uso ese tren #mexico #df (correct league worries me because I use that train #mexico #df) caMorales (Mexico) Ah no ya no, chocó el tren Suburbano con otro entre San Rafael y Lechería. Con razón suspendieron el servicio. (Oh no no, Suburban collided with another train between San Rafael and Dairy. Rightly suspended the service.) luisarch (Cuautitlan, Mexico) Creo que aqui la responsabilidad se la pondrán al conductor del tren que se detuvo, pero CAF no pagará por los platos rotos como deberia ser (I think the responsibility here is to go to the driver of the train that was stopped, but CAF will not pay for the damage as it should) 19 Apr 2009 from twhirl doctor_marmota (Mexico City, Mexico) Está del [interjección] lo del tren suburbano. Ya quiero ver cómo politizan la tragedia. (What the [expletive] is the suburban train. Ya want to see how politicized the tragedy.) 19 Apr 2009 from twhirl