April 19, 2009

Holocaust Museum opens in United States

Per the Chicago Tribune, thousands attended the grand opening of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center today in Skokie, Ill. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton gave the keynote address. "Night" author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel also spoke, and video addresses from U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli President Shimon Peres were played.

The museum emphasizes local stories, built around voices and artifacts of immigrants who settled in the Midwestern U.S., per The New York Times.

Many tweeted live from the event, providing commentary and general observations.

  1. Caitlin Otte
    cxottizzo At the holocaust remebrance museum grand opening. All these Poland memories are coming back to meee! I wana be back in Krakow right now.
  2. Veronica
    veronicapasia Wow. Amazing story of survival by holocaust survivor and museum president Sam Harris.
  3. Jonathan Lehrer
    JonathanLehrer #holocaustmuseum Scharioth: German youth who volunteer at museum have become friends with local Holocaust survivors.
  4. karen mothkovich
    karenmothkovich Just left the opening ceremonies at the Illinois Holocaust Museum. The weather is crappy but it was worth it. Toes still frozen.
  5. Emily Polet
    epolet Just got back from the Holocaust Museum... intense.

Breaking Tweets Entertainment Editor @sizzlemaker also tweeted from the event.

  1. Shari Weiss
    sizzlemaker In the biggest tent I've ever seen. Elie Wiesel and Gov. Quinn also speaking. Video msgs from Obama and Hillary. Spielberg too.
  2. Shari Weiss
    sizzlemaker I should not be able to see my breath but, alas, I can. Sigh.
  3. Shari Weiss
    sizzlemaker Wiesel insists even w this museum we can't say we know. We'll never know. Never know why.
  4. Shari Weiss
    sizzlemaker Clinton: life is short enough as it is. Identity conflicts don't need to make it shorter. Never again let politicians push us to hate.

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