April 10, 2009

Tornadoes touch down in Nashville area

Per The Murfreesboro Post, multiple tornadoes were spotted in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on Friday afternoon, according to eyewitness accounts and emergency personnel.

Murfreesboro is about 30 miles from Nashville. A tornado was also reported in Western Kentucky, per The Kentucky Post.

Several Twitterers in Murfreesboro confirmed the tornadoes, and provided live tweets during the storm.

  1. andde
    andde I just walked my ass in walmart and they said they are under tornado warning. I said hell nah and left.. the weather crazy I'm soaked haha
  2. Phillip Maddox
    phillipmaddox I saw the tornado dude. It was freakin huge. We got super lucky. They shut down 24 over here. Cars flipped with people in them
  3. lisasasse
    lisasasse A tornado just hit the neighborhood behind our house, thank God for His protection!
  4. marcus snyder
    metonymy4sale . .another tornado just tore through murfreesboro . houses are 'gone' . absolute chaos ...
  5. Amy B.
    some_coreopsis They're saying at least ten houses were destroyed by the tornado. Not my area of town, thank the Lord. All is safe out here.
  6. Brandon Felder
    brandon_felder Again, for those wondering. Yes, I am fine. I did see the tornado out front of my work place which was awesome and scary.

Several twitterers in Murfreesboro found out about the tornadoes through sirens.

  1. Valerie Jones-Ray
    semicaustic Crap. Are those tornado sirens?! I can't tell. I don't know what they sound like! But it doesn't sound like anything else I've heard.
  2. Nate Tallman
    natetallman Tornado sirens going of. I'm out and about.
  3. heather
    zhak just woke up to tornado sirens! o_O Woooooo!
  4. Scott Mills
    scottiemills just heard the sirens go off in Murfreesboro and a guy say "SEEK SHELTER NOW!" If I never see you tweets again.. I love you.

Some tweeted a link to a YouTube video with footage of one tornado:

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