Twitterers are reacting to the unfolding events:
bitful (London, U.K.) Tv at gym shows Italy quake mass funeral images on tv. Life is fleeting, i shall live every moment of this weekend to the fullest. cirigio96 (Italy) Sono triste... La mia nazione e' in lutto. Un tremendo terremoto ha colpito la regione dell' Abruzzo. I morti e i senza tetto sono tanti.... (I am sad...My nation is in mourning. A terrible earthquake hit the region of Abruzzo. The dead and homeless are so many...)
dbevilacqua (Milan, Italy) Mi sento vicino a tutti quelli che oggi hanno lasciato per sempre i loro cari, morti nel terremoto in abruzzo (I feel close to all those who have now left forever their loved ones died in the earthquake in Abruzzo) DavideDiCillo (Oakland Park, Florida) reading about L'Aquila earthquake's numbers, 289 people lost their lives, almost 40,000 left their homes. My prays and thoughts go to them.
MoDarling (Greenpoint, New York) Just talking about Italy earthquake with my dad, a lot of my grandmother's family from that area. :( RogerGagnon (Toronto, Canada) Funeral services for Italy earthquake victims held outside; Churches not safe enough to use. So sad.
Yasmine1986 (Location not listed) Takin' a moment to reflect on this week, praying for the lives lost in Italy's earthquake.
Twitterers are still looking over the damage done to this small Italian town. @anbucco posted this TwitPic of damage: