April 7, 2009

Shoe thrown at Indian minister

Per the Times of India: "Home minister P Chidambaram on Tuesday ducked a shoe thrown by a journalist at a press conference" in New Delhi.

Twitterers in the region quickly used humor in their tweets, as the incident mirrored recent shoe-throwing events involving U.S. President George W. Bush in Iraq and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in England.

  1. Anurag Mandal
    Anurag37 (Ranchi, India) Another "shoe throwing" protest against a minister this time it is India's finance minister P. Chidambaram
  2. Sabu Joseph
    sabujoseph (Cochin, India) Shoe thrown at Chidambaram, its happend in india toooo
  3. Rushi Vishavadia
    rushiv (Dubai, UAE) lol a sikh journalist threw a shoe at India's home minister P Chidambaram! He managed to dodge it though - http://tr.im/imF2
  4. Sajal Kayan
    sajal (Bangkok, Thailand) BREAKING NEWS : India just joined USTN (== United Shoe Thowing Nations)
  5. rhebbar
    rhebbar (India) Shoe throwing fever catches on in India ... http://tinyurl.com/dcooo8 :-)

Others were more serious, trying to get to the bottom of the incident.

  1. Dhananjay Mhatre
    Dhaanu (India) @sidin Why would anyone throw a shoe at poor Chidu. Not happy with his budgets? Or not happy with the IPL being shifted out of India?
  2. Melissa Bell
    MelissaBell (Delhi, India) Indian journalist throws shoe at home minister of India. Home minister now in tears. I think journos just bored of press conferences.
  3. Abhimanyu Jamwal
    ajmanyu (Undisclosed) shame!...india's own shoe attack....chitambram doesnt not deserve this.
    MORAL CODE OF CONDUCT for journalists..

A video of the incident can be seen on the Times of India Web site.

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