The bionic eye was developed by U.S. company Second Sight and uses wireless technology to send captured images to the retina, which are ultimately processed by the brain. Currently, 18 patients across the world have been fitted with the Argus II, according to the article.
Both Brits and Americans tweeted about the story:
microedge (Liverpool, U.K.): Bionic eye gives blind man sight. Now this is what technology should be used for!
dslatter (Dallas, Texas): This is so awesome what technology can do today to change peoples lives- 'Bionic eye gives blind man sight'
britesprite (U.K.): Excited yet concerned about bionic eye:
Some more humorous tweets:
ThinkTone (Redmond, Wash.): Bionic eye. Very interesting and cool. Needs live internet connection as well so he can see his tweets.
modernemama (Huntington, N.Y.): Bionic eye allows blind husband to sort washing. And for the rest of us?