Per Mashable, "Proving that Kindle is just a part of a larger digital e-book delivery plan, Amazon has launched a Kindle application for the iPhone and iPod Touch."
The news broke just a few hours ago, and it quickly jumped to the No. 1 trend on Twitter. There have been more than 1,500 Kindle tweets in the last three hours.
Here's some of the initial reaction from the Twitterverse, mostly from those on the West coast of the U.S. due to the time.
@Jesse (Salt Lake City, Utah): Sending e-mails to my publishers right now to get my books Kindle-formatted. This is game-changing.
@murraystokely (San Francisco, Calif.): Impressed with new Kindle for iPhone web app. Syncs all of my books and keeps track of my place for those sad times when I'm sans Kindle2.
@loic (San Francisco, Calif.): Amazed to follow the Kindle on iphone release buzz on Twitter
@jschuur (Santa Ana, Calif.): The downside to un-following a bunch of people on twitter is that it takes TWO WHOLE HOURS to find out about Amazon Kindle for the iPhone.
@DeadAlive55 (Seattle, Wash.): Just downloaded Kindle for iPhone...all I can say is sweet!
But not all were happy with the news.
@DTraub (Plochingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg): Kindle for iPhone not available for German customers :-(
@MarcPJW (London, U.K.): I see amazon released kindle app for iPhone. You guessed it U.S. only! /-:<
@hereandthere (Auckland, New Zealand): Grrr - geographical restrictions on iPhone kindle app, might try a few other things!

Kindle application launched for iPhone