Per Reuters, U.S. President Barack Obama has named Pittsburgh Steelers owner Dan Rooney Ambassador to Ireland.
Rooney's Steelers won the Super Bowl this past season.
Obama and Rooney developed a relationship during the 2008 presidential campaign. The long time Steelers owner
endorsed Obama during a Pennsylvania campaign stop in April of that year.
Europeans and Pennsylvanians are tweeting about the football guy moving to the other land of football.
@SeamusMcAleavey (Belfast): President Barak Obama has announced that Dan Rooney is the new ambassador to Ireland. His roots are in Newry Co Down!
@GWhit (England): Dan Rooney to be Ambassador to Ireland. Maybe he'll convert rugby players to linebacker.
@PADems (Harrisburg, PA): PA Dems congratulate Dan Rooney on being named Ambassador to Ireland. A fitting role for a good Irish Democrat! Go maire tu!
@steelymcbeam (Pittsburgh, PA): Congrats to my boss, Dan Rooney!!! New Ireland ambassador!! Bet he installs NFL Sunday Ticket at the embassy!

Obama names football owner Ireland Ambassador