Per the Haveeru Daily in Maldives, a small island nation outside of India that is predominantly Muslim, the nation's Telecommunication Authority has blocked several Web sites that are anti-Islam in the last week.
The censorship move has caused an uproar among Maldives citizens that has appeared in
editorials, and even on Twitter.
Here are some tweets from outraged Maldives Twitter users, aimed at Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baree (DJ Majeed) and the MoIA (Maldives office of Islamic Affairs):
@bakhabaru (Maldives): DJ Majeed to block website called www.majeed's.[expletive].com
@sofwath (Male, Maldives): You have not converted a man because you have silenced him
@gaanagaa (Maldives): is the first site ever to get unblocked after the DJ Majeed's blockade. The block list gets bigger every day.
@moyameehaa (Maldives): iBlog. In protest of the Internet censorship campaign started by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs of Maldives. #djmajeed
@mvblogs (Maldives): The 'War' on Free Speech...: I have proscribed myself not to write anything on any political issue. However, thi.. news also caught at least one person's attention outside of Maldives.
@yaamyn (Bangalore, India): What are people doing about the whole MoIA thing???!!!

Maldives government blocks anti-Islamic Web sites