March 26, 2009

Italy and Swiss redrawing borders

Per CNN, due to melting glaciers, the Italian and Swiss governments are sitting down to redraw their borders between the two countries in the Alps. According to to the Italian Military Geographic Institute, climate change is to blame. This bill is going through the Italian Parliament and is expected to become law in April.

Twitterers voiced their opinions on the new impact climate change is having:

  1. eluriravi
    eluriravi (California) Swiss & Italy are redrawing their border lines due to melting glaciers along their borders -- thx to global warming!!!!!
  2. madisonmag
    madisonmag (Australia) Melting glaciers force Italy & Switzerland to redraw border. This is not good guys.
  3. Jamie Quirk
    consciousstream (Washington, D.C.) The Alps are melting, may force Italy/Switzerland to redraw borders. Are we ready to address climate change yet?
  4. Barbara Rademacher
    BarbRad (Rogers, Ark.) Finally happened: CNN rpts Italy, Switzerland renegotiating borders bcs Alps glaciers melting.

Some Italian news outlets tweeted the news:

    repubblicait (Rome, Italy) Clima, i ghiacciai cambiano i confini con la Svizzera, the glaciers are changing the borders with Switzerland
  2. VareseNews
    varesenews (Varese, Italy) News - Si sciolgono i ghiacciai: cambiano i confini tra Italia e Svizzera News - You glaciers melt: change the borders between Italy and Switzerland
  3. cronaca24
    cronaca24 (Rome, Italy) Clima, i ghiacciai cambiano i confini con la Svizzera Climate, the glaciers are changing the borders with Switzerland

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