March 26, 2009

A Day in Berlin, Germany

It's 9 a.m. in Berlin but Germans couldn't wait to start tweeting.

  1. Peter
    peterpixel starting the day with the colbert report
  2. Nerses Chopurian
    Chopurian On my way to Frankfurt. Will talk about "Prosuming" and Cultur of Auctions" at a conference of Goethe University
  3. Norbert Breuer
    NBreuer Heute Vormittag Sitzung mit Bioenergieverbänden zur Planung der Internationalen Grünen Woche 2010. Präsentation steht. (Meeting with bioenergy associations this morning to plan the International Green Week, the 2010th Presentation)
  4. Roswitha Siedelberg
    TheInfatuated Good morning world! I've risen, but I'm not yet shining. Breakfast is a clear morning priority.

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