Per The Daily Mail, the entire crew from a South African Airways plane has been arrested at London's Heathrow airport. The crew are accused of smuggling in £250,000 (US$356,350) of cocaine on board their flight. Unfortunately, this is the second drugs-related incident to happen in London with South African Airways in the past few weeks.
@blanchomme (Sydney, Australia) wonders what south african airways first class is REALLY like.
@TravellingLF (London, England) Another South African Airways crew busted!? I know being a flight attendant isn't that lucrative but to have to resort to drug trafficking??
@mailonline South African Airways crew arrested for drug smuggling - the SECOND in four weeks
@Guy_at_PTod (London, England) Oh, to be the HR/Occupational Health manager for South African Airways ...
@virtualhispanic Flying the friendly skies? Entire South African Airways crew arrested for drug smuggling - TWICE in one month.
@MrHarryPalmer (UK) another 15 South African Airways air crew been arrested for smuggling coke. Thats 30 SAA crew arrested so far . Have they any staff left ?
@felix85 (Ireland) Wow....15 members South African Airways crew arrested at London Airport after 250,000 pounds worth of cocaine was found in their baggage
@AircrewBuzz (USA) Second South African Airways crew arrested over drugs - (Reuters)
@Flightglobal Latest News: Fifteen crew arrested in second SAA Heathrow drug bust: Another South African Airways c..
@mensah (Ghana) South Africa Airways crew in drug scandal: A 15-member crew of South African Airways was Monday detained on drug..
The BBC website has a link to the current story, plus background on the previous arrest of a South African Airways crew at London's Heathrow airport here and here.

South African air crew in drugs bust