Per Al Jazeera English, Kosovo is celebrating the one year anniversary of gaining independence from Serbia. The BBC website
reports that there are mixed reactions to the anniversary, especially from Kosovo's remaining Serbian residents. The 24 hour English-language news channel
Russia Today has video about
the anniversary while the Belgrade radio station B92
reports on its website about the day in Pristina, Kosovo's capital city.
Twitterers are posting about the celebrations, with some noting that not everyone is happy about Kosovan independence.
@DFBMBE (Pristina, Kosovo) On the way to the Independence Celebrations - Pristina, Kosovo: Posted in Vidblogs Tagged: 17 february 20..
@ProlecniDan (Novi Sad, Serbia) today protest at Novi Sad against Kosovo independence with text sign 'Novi Sad is serbian city'. Good to know.
@annehubert (New York, USA) did something happen in kosovo? some weird honking action in times sq involving flags and singing not in english
@acbrudvig (Mankato, USA) celebrating Kosovo's Independence Day from Mankato, Minnesota... and going to class... and going to bed right early..
@M_a_r_I_k_A (Montreal, Canada) Kosovo 1 year of independence: Kosovans cross a bridge decorated with dozen of Albanian national flags a year af..
@3NewsNZ (New Zealand) #3News NZ: Serbians gather to protest first anniversary of Kosovo's independence: Serbians in the Koso..
@DavidRHaslam (Michigan, USA) Wow! Happy 1st Birthday Kosovo! I look forward to speaking in your capital city in September! I cannot wait! Hope to see my bff Drita too!

Kosovo Independence: One Year On