Though the crash occurred Saturday, some in the region didn't know until Sunday, when the news dominated international wires.
@rodrigotape (Manaus, Brazil): Em que mundo eu estou? só agora fui saber da queda do avião no Am. (In what world am I? only now I know of the fall of the plane.
@pedreco noticed that the crash didn't get the same attention on Twitter as the Hudson River crash.
@pedreco (Rio de Janeiro): Quer dizer: se cai avião no Hudson, tem um monte de gente pra twittar. Mas se cai no MANACAPURU, quedê? (I mean, if the plane falls Hudson, has a lot of people on Twitter. But if it falls in Manacapuru, then?)
One woman nearby the scene offered a prayer.
@tatyamaral (Manaus, Brazil): Mais 24..em acidente aéreo.:( Como diz um prece irlandesa: "(...)que Deus os guarde nas palmas de Suas mãos..." (24 crash in plane accident.:( From an Irish prayer: "(...) that the God save the palms of his hands ... ")