Per the Voice of America, a plane crash in the Amazon basin this weekend has resulted in the death of 24 people, including seven children. Brazilian authorities are still trying to determine the cause.
Though the crash occurred Saturday, some in the region didn't know until Sunday, when the news dominated international wires.
@rodrigotape (Manaus, Brazil): Em que mundo eu estou? só agora fui saber da queda do avião no Am. (In what world am I? only now I know of the fall of the plane. noticed that the crash didn't get the same attention on Twitter as the Hudson River crash.
@pedreco (Rio de Janeiro): Quer dizer: se cai avião no Hudson, tem um monte de gente pra twittar. Mas se cai no MANACAPURU, quedê?
(I mean, if the plane falls Hudson, has a lot of people on Twitter. But if it falls in Manacapuru, then?)One woman nearby the scene offered a prayer.
@tatyamaral (Manaus, Brazil): Mais 24..em acidente aéreo.:( Como diz um prece irlandesa: "(...)que Deus os guarde nas palmas de Suas mãos..."
(24 crash in plane accident.:( From an Irish prayer: "(...) that the God save the palms of his hands ... ")

Plane crash kills 24 in Brazil