Facebook so far has banned two Holocaust denial groups, but has left three open. Facebook spokesperson Brian Schnitt released a statement to ABC saying, "the mere statement of denying the Holocaust is not a violation of our terms."
The Twitterverse is buzzing about the issue, with many criticizing Facebook:
Jnobianchi (New York, N.Y.) Via @scrapsflippy : breast feeding = bad; denying the holocaust happened = good. Stay classy, Facebook http://tinyurl.com/qpg5rt israfran (Tel Aviv, Israel) What a shame!! Facebook Remains Stubbornly Proud Of Position On Holocaust Denial http://tcrn.ch/1jD by @arrington SamGliksman (Los Angeles, Calif.) Let Facebook know you expect them to remove anti-semitic Holocaust denial pages. Here is how: http://tinyurl.com/qbshvf adschwartz (Scottsdale, Ariz.) Seems this is a good start but there is still more to be done. RT @jtanews Facebook removes two Holocaust denial sites http://bit.ly/aDKsD frugalfreebies (Ontario, Canada) My baby pic was considered objectional & removed, but Denying the Holocaust groups OK with Facebook? http://bit.ly/4Qe8R DavidSpinks (New York, N.Y.) Interesting debate RT @jacobm: looks like facebook doesn't want to talk about any more holocaust issues for now, sad, http://snurl.com/hvnbz