May 12, 2009

Facebook caught up in Holocaust controversy

Per ABC News, Facebook is under pressure to ban conversation over Holocaust Denial. The article features one particular student Abbas Hodroj, who upon discovering the news, joined a Holocaust denial group to prove a point.

Facebook so far has banned two Holocaust denial groups, but has left three open. Facebook spokesperson Brian Schnitt released a statement to ABC saying, "the mere statement of denying the Holocaust is not a violation of our terms."

The Twitterverse is buzzing about the issue, with many criticizing Facebook:

  1. John Bianchi
    Jnobianchi (New York, N.Y.) Via @scrapsflippy : breast feeding = bad; denying the holocaust happened = good. Stay classy, Facebook
  2. Anabelle
    israfran (Tel Aviv, Israel) What a shame!! Facebook Remains Stubbornly Proud Of Position On Holocaust Denial by @arrington
  3. Sam Gliksman
    SamGliksman (Los Angeles, Calif.) Let Facebook know you expect them to remove anti-semitic Holocaust denial pages. Here is how:
  4. Adam Schwartz
    adschwartz (Scottsdale, Ariz.) Seems this is a good start but there is still more to be done. RT @jtanews Facebook removes two Holocaust denial sites
  5. Catherine
    frugalfreebies (Ontario, Canada) My baby pic was considered objectional & removed, but Denying the Holocaust groups OK with Facebook?
  6. David Spinks
    DavidSpinks (New York, N.Y.) Interesting debate RT @jacobm: looks like facebook doesn't want to talk about any more holocaust issues for now, sad,

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