May 2, 2009

Helicopters in Edinburgh cause a stir on Twitter

Dozens of Twitterers near Edinburgh, Scotland, were all atwitter today about multiple helicopters hovering in and around the city for at least 45 minutes.

The incident was similar to the Twitter buzz in another city, Melbourne, Australia, where helicopters circled on March 19. That case ended up being anti-terrorism training.

The reason the Edinburgh helicopters were in the sky was still unknown at the time of this post, but speculation was rampant:

  1. Andy
    andrewghayes (Edinburgh) Hmmm - the royals must be in Edinburgh. A whole entourage of helicopters doing some 'maneuvering' over at the palace.
  2. The Queen's Hall
    queens_hall (Edinburgh) #edinburgh Helicopter over Edinburgh could be scoping for tomorrow's 10K TV coverage?
  3. blip2
    blip2 (Edinburgh) @breakingtweets Helicopters over Edinburgh owned by PLM DOLLAR GROUP LTD -> ->
  4. Calum Crawford
    14zombies (Edinburgh) Adding to the list of tweets about the mysterious helicopters over Edinburgh, escaped con? Govt conspiracy? aliens in disguise? I hope all 3

The helicopters puzzled and even agitated some Twitterers.

  1. Ross Wood
    gonzo_rosco (Edinburgh) What's with all the helicopters hovering overhead? It's like apocalypse now outside
  2. Felicity Anderson
    flickitten (Edinburgh) I can still hear those sinister helicopters... Why are they here? What do they want?! Edinburgh is not the sort of place you see this!
  3. Ian Mackay
    maniacyak (Edinburgh) 3 helicopters hovering in the vicinity of my flat. Beginning to get paranoid.
  4. Alistair Marshall
    thatscottisheng (Edinburgh) Though royals are in edinburgh - these helicopters aren't hovering over the same bits of town - over medows now
  5. Felicity Anderson
    flickitten (Edinburgh) why are the helicopters STILL HERE?!
  6. chrisdonia
    chrisdonia (Edinburgh) Helicopters circling overhead and slowly lowering themselves is a surefire route to paranoia.
  7. Loes
    iamloes (Edinburgh) Wondering why there's 3 helicopters hovering above Edinburgh...
  8. Alastair McFarlane
    alitheg (Edinburgh) #Helicopters have left #edinburgh now, so it seems. As well as a camera, one seemed to have a bright light underneath
  9. Denise Wood
    dnwood (Edinburgh) Watched the helicopters with Alistair up on the Crags until they left... that was very nearly 45 minutes of hovering. Bizarre.

If you have information on why the incident occurred, please contact us @breakingtweets or leave a comment.

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