Earlier this month, a row between Chief Justice Gilmar Mendes and Joaquim Barbosa, both magistrates of Brazil’s Supreme Court, was broadcast live on television has been denounced as 'shameful' by the press and bloggers, as reported by Global Voices Online.
Some reactions:
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myris (Brasil) Impeachment ao Ministro Gilmar Mendes? http://bit.ly/eaIL6 #SaiaGilmar (Impeachment against Judge Gilmar Mendes?) Escalafobetico (Indaial) Daqui a pouco o Gilmar Mendes dá um jeito de foder com a liberdade na internet,aham, #SaiaGilmar (It will not take long for Gilmar Mendes to f••k with freedom on the Internet, aham) joaoporto (Brasília) Protesto contra Gilmar Mendes em três capitais (demonstrations against Gilmar Mendes in three capital cities) http://tinyurl.com/clmwhn crestani (Brasil) Estou na contramão. Não sou a favor do "fora gilmar" simplesmente porque não se pode expelir fezes sem a participação de órgão apropriado... (I'm against the tides. I don't support the "go away gilmar" simplely because it is not possible to get rid of excrement without the help of relevant organs...) BrunnaSouza (Goiânia) Campanha: "Ministro Gilmar Mendes saia às ruas e não volte ao STF". http://bit.ly/rFZ1u (Campaign: "Judge Gilmar Mendes go away and do not come back to STF"). duduziuz (São Paulo) Sucesso para o povo que vai hoje à luta pelo impeachment de Gilmar Mendes! Por um Brasil mais justo #saiagilmar (Wishing success to the people going to the streets to fight for Gilmar Mendes' impeachment! Por um Brasil mais justo #saiagilmar) magal (Macaé) Ministro Gilmar Mendes, disse nesta quarta que considera normal manifestações pedindo a sua saída da presidência, pois é saia à rua ministro (judge Gilmar Mendes said this wednesday that he thinks it is normal to have demonstrations calling him to leave the presidency, yeah go to the streets, Mr Judge)
Barbosa had accused Mendes of “destroying the credibility of the judicial system” and challenged Mendes to talk to the man on the street, to measure his low level of popularity. Today's protest was "to demand that Mendes do so – and never came back"
The main tag of the day is #foragilmar, but there were also #saiagilmar and #foragilmarday. There is an reactions aggregator and the "Go Away Gilmar" campaign has its own blog in Portuguese.
Some photos by twitpic user proveisso fromthe protest in Brasilia, in front of the Supreme Court buildings: