May 15, 2009

104-year-old woman tweeting in Britain

Per United Press International, a 104-year-old British woman, Ivy Bean, joined Twitter yesterday and she is tweeting at @ivybean104, according to the manager of an elderly care home in Bradford, England.

She's already amassed more than 3,000 followers, and this story has hit media outlets from Brazil to Belgium.

Here's a sample of some of her first tweets:

  1. Ivy Bean

    IvyBean104 Hello had a nod just having a cuppa and biscuit im excited to be on twitter

  2. Ivy Bean

    IvyBean104 just had breakfast now chatting to my friend mabel

  3. Ivy Bean

    IvyBean104 Deal or no deal in 4hrs

  4. Ivy Bean

    IvyBean104 im having a rest now had a busy morning thankyou everybody

She's also been sending @ replies and interacting with users.

Here's some of the initial buzz about one of Twitter's newest members:

  1. Pretty313

    Pretty313 (Michigan, USA) @IVYBEAN104 hello & its an honor to follow you *hugzs*

  2. Geek girl

    geekgirl444 (Kent, England) Just so sweet that @IvyBean104 follows @GeekSquadUK.

  3. Jaime M

    jaime_ldn (Undisclosed) Is it too late to #followfriday? @IvyBean104 She IS 104. God bless her. Thanks to @bruxedo, follow him too.

  4. weeelady

    weeelady (Scotland) This marvelous lady is 104 years young and a keen twitterer. Please follow @IvyBean104

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