Photo by @davidmacdougall
Here's some of his observations. Additional coverage to come tomorrow, including video.
davidmacdougall Off to a false start. Police blocking demonstrators in the streets #g20 davidmacdougall Crowd chanting "let us pass" at police. Cheering now, march started! davidmacdougall At front of scuffles. First smoke bomb let off (pink!) first objects thrown here: a police helmet davidmacdougall [Expletive]!! Cops just moved in officers wearing RIOT gear!! It was all going so peacefully. Crowd reacts with jeers. davidmacdougall Protesters now rocking police van. Classic protest tactic #g20 davidmacdougall Too close for comfort. Just got caught in another police charge. Getting a bit out of control now #g20
Mac Dougall posted a series of photos from today's events to his Flickr account.
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