Twitterers spread the word about the memo release:
mhasko (Pittsburgh, PA) Obama releases 4 Bush-era memos about CIA torture, very little redacted. Read for yourself what our country did stumbling_eric (Undisclosed) Woah. You can read some of the Bush Torture Documents online now. Thanks President Obama!... MalaproposDame (Undisclosed) Obama ends CIA interrogation program-crazy!, @whoissuresh
Many Twitterers are debating whether Obama should absolve the crimes. Most call for accountability.
pir8dave (New England) Upholding the laws on the books is a duty of the President. Obama is wrong on torture prosecutions. cscannella (NYC) Obama letting this torture go is going to to cast a shadow on anything positive he ends up doing with his presidency. MonroeAnderson (Chicago, IL) Some change, Obama's wimp out on CIA torture is incredibly disappointing. JAEsselink (Waterford, MI) @GStephanopoulos I am disappointed in Pres Obama closing his eyes to the torture done in our name. Now it will be stain on the USA forever. Lemurs_Meerkats (Undisclosed) Torture = Bad! So, no Obama Love this week [from @katharinehay] b/c of this: HumanityCritic (Virginia Beach, VA) Maybe I'm wrong here: As much as I want to see them jailed, prosecuting Bush officials would cripple Obama's presidency. What do you think? mumbly_joe (NYC) Or, if we absolutely must protest Obama, the fact that these guys are getting a free pass? WE CAN'T MOVE FORWARD WITHOUT RESOLVING THE PAST
Several Twitterers also respond to MSNBC Keith Olbermann's critique of Obama's decision.
FakeVirginia (Virginia) Keith Olbermann says President Obama is wrong on the Bush torture memos. Could this be something the #tcot crowd likes? kjpilot (Gramercy Park, NYC) I think Obama is right - no good to be gained by pursuing former Bush administration over the torture memos. Sorry to Keith Olbermann. BrandonPickens (Undisclosed) Olberman is urging Obama to prosecute BUSH with war crimes and to keep the fight going NO MATTER WHAT! I find new ways to hate Olby everyday yellowgnife (Decatur, GA) Listening to Olbermann giving hell to Obama for not prosecuting Bush. Like thats going to happen phtltht.