April 13, 2009

North Korea rejects U.N. statement, six-party talks

Per Market Watch, North Korea condemned the latest statement from the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday and stated it will break off six-party talks and restart its nuclear program.

Initial reaction from Twitterers in East Asia showed that some were surprised by the developments and others were not:

  1. slient wave海定則波寧
    XIEZIJIE (Ningbo, China) RT @BreakingNews: BULLETIN -- NORTH KOREA SAYS IT WILL BOYCOTT SIX-PARTY TALKS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Kristie Lu Stout CNN
    klustout (Hong Kong) NKorea foreign ministry after condeming UN statement: "We have no choice but to further strengthen our nuclear deterrent..." #nkorea
  3. David Feng (馮琰)
    DavidFeng (Beijing, China) Thinking of leaving Twitter again now that North Korea's thinking of giving up the ghost re: the six-party talks.
  4. Tony Henderson
    tonyhen (Hong Kong) north korea restarts nuclear weapons programme - w3hat do you expect you (Japan-US) Twits
  5. Alan Soon
    alansoon (Singapore) North Korea quits 6-party talks to protest UN statement

Related Breaking Tweets story:
U.N. to condemn North Korea launch, April 11, 2009

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