No deaths have been reported in the United States, Canada, Spain and Britain where cases of the virus have been confirmed earlier, which denotes Mexico as the only country where the virus has caused fatalities. The Mexican death toll from probable swine flu deaths has risen to 152, with 1,614 suspected cases, as reported by the BBC.
Twitter users from Britain show concern:
busytucker @jc76 (Sussex, UK) Yes, swine flu is a worry to me too. Taking advice on whether to come off meds that affect immune system. Good luck for weds *hugs* PlymouthHerald (Plymouth, UK) Seven tested for swine flu in West Country #SwineFlu PembsDave (Wales, UK ) Right... thats all the windows and doors taped up - lets see Swine flu get through that! - I aint panicking now!
Twitter users in New Zealand comment on the virus reaching them:
Overwelmingodds (Wellington, New Zealand) For goodness sakes everyone! Stop panicking about Swine Flu! BigEars (Wellington, New Zealand) RT @Nightwyrm: swine flu has been confirmed in New Zealand. Good thing we've got a mature mainstream media who won't overhype it¡ zwuh (Wellington, New Zealand) Swine flu is incredibly lame. It's just like regular flu. OH EM FRICKING GEE. We're all doomed.
Twitter users in Spain report first case of swine flu and speculate over media's coverage on virus:
emjaydub (Barcelona, Spain) suffering from swine flu (or is it just hypochondria?) - well, a girl in my theatre group has just come back from Mexico... englishteach8 (Barcelona, Spain) RT @colleencoble: So tired of the fear promoted on TV. We're always having a new flu spreading...In 70s swine flu outbreak, only 1 died here Martini5 (Barcelona, Spain) There are many dead, but only 20 confirmed dead of complications from swine flu... so why not wait until we know for sure before panicking?