Per the Los Angeles Times, three small earthquakes shook Orange County, California, on Thursday evening, with most of the action around Los Angeles suburb Yorba Linda. The quakes registered at 3.8, 4.0, and 3.0 on the Richter Scale, per the Times.
Twitterers in Yorba Linda were quite active.
actual_size (Yorba Linda, Calif.) Just had another earthquake here in yorba Linda. That's four in four hours, ranging from 3.0 to 4.0. Can we be done, please? 24 Apr 2009 from TwitterBerry -
thonynyc (Yorba Linda, Calif.) ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE !!! GOD SAVE ME I HATE CALI I HATE CALi 24 Apr 2009 from mobile web -
thepixelmom (Yorba Linda, Calif.) oh poop!!! another earthquake in yorba linda!! My 5 yo is even more freaked out! 24 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck -
KristiBug (Yorba Linda, Calif.) Was that another earthquake? *laughs nervously* I'm going crazy now 24 Apr 2009 from web
Some managed to mix local sporting events, a National Hockey League playoff game and Major League Baseball game, into their earthquake tweets.
Artisanwarrior (Irvine, Calif.) Did u feel it? Earthquake at Angels Stadium 24 Apr 2009 from Tweetie -
FeistyRedheadHB (Huntington Beach, Calif.) EARTHQUAKE!!!! That [expletive] is scary when youre in an arena full of people watching a hockey game!!!! 24 Apr 2009 from txt -
anaheimrules (Anaheim, Calif.) We just had an earthquake and the ducks scored 24 Apr 2009 from txt -
jaredhead (Downey, Calif.) Angels win! Hahaha! I was sitting editing and the Yorba Linda earthquake starting rolling our room. "Hey guys! It's like we're on a boat!" 24 Apr 2009 from web

Minor earthquakes strike Los Angeles area