April 29, 2009

Mapping the spread of swine flu

Per M.I.T. Technology Review, Google Maps provides a practical way to track the geographic scope of H1N1 swine flu. This map in particular has been viewed more than 150,000 times and has made the rounds on Twitter.

The article states that the World Health Organization now says it is too late to contain the swine flu. However, it also says that the current tracking and communication of social sites, blogs and other internet tools are vital to distributing information and slowing outbreaks.

The Google Map swine flu tracker has been both praised and criticized by the Twitterverse:

  1. SagaciousT
    SagaciousT (Puget Sound, Wash.) @ShaunaCausey also not that the swine-flu google map has many repeats and is utterly useless
  2. Scarlett Taylor
    SKARLIT (Sarasota, Fla.) Google swine flu map includes "get directions" when you click on these places. Convenient! I need a better sleep schedula ASAP.
  3. Christopher Page
    chrismpage (Iowa City, Iowa) is amazed by the swine flu google map tool.
  4. Bill Adair
    acaiedge (Undisclosed) the google swine flu map is many hours out of date
  5. K. Dick
    Worrals (Hamilton, Ontario) Just in case you aren't panicked enough about Swine flu, here's a handy Google map: http://tinyurl.com/swinemap09
  6. Charyl
    charyl (Colorado) @zaibatsu Are you in Ouray County? I ask bcuz that's where the google swine flu map is showing the suspected case.
  7. Cammie Muni
    thewalkingipod (California) @kimbyann12 Well that's good to know cuz I've been watching the swine flu map on Google...

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