April 9, 2009

Irish spirits down after new budget

Per the Irish Independent, the Prime Minister of Ireland, Taoiseach Brian Cowen, spoke in defense of the newest budget announced by his government this week. Cowen maintains that though families will suffer now, the Irish economy can revive from its current recession and return to a growth by 2011.

Also reported by the Irish Independent, listener tempers raged on Irish Radio RTE against the Irish finance minister who has now increased taxes and introduced new levies twice since October 2008. The measures most despised have continuously incited public outcries that the government is attacking low and middle income earners to climb out of recession.

Tweeting Dubliners are feeling the budget burn:

  1. Alan Broderick
    broddo (Dublin, Ireland) So tired this morning that I didn't bother cycling-now I feel really lazy. It's the budget's fault!
  2. Niamh Shaw
    niamhiepoos (Dublin, Ireland) Picked up a bug of some sort- maybe it's a post-budget bug, my body rejecting the new daft cost-saving initiatives by our hallowed Govt

Tweets also bring critics, economists, and comedians all together in the name of government spending:

  1. David McWilliams
    davidmcw (Dublin, Ireland) re budget. is anyone in government on the side of the taxpayer?
  2. Robbie Cousins
    Robbiecousins (Dublin, Ireland) Is it ironic so many are making a living out of commenting on how much money we lose thru the budget
  3. Michael O'Brien
    cryos2k9 (Dublin, Ireland) @eddieizzard Wet, Raining and Bad news in the budget! Welcome to Ireland :)

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