The beating was filmed by what seems to be a mobile phone camera. Pakistani TV news broadcasted the clip on Friday, though the date of the film is undetermined.
Twitterers expressed their outrage over the beating.
higaiimo (St. Louis, Mo.) Watched a video of a woman being beaten buy the Taliban for having an affair.No trial, no investigation. Her screams play in my head. andreatunes (Lombardy, Italy) Young woman, accused of having a partner outside marriage, has been beaten in Pakistan by a taliban group. Way to go, idiots! hammeruk14 (Latun, U.K.) taliban have flogged a woman for an "alleged" incident with a young man, the man was flogged aswell although nothing happened sad times firigon (Newcastle, Wash.) is outraged at the taliban's public flogging of a young woman in Swat, Pakistan. Why are we giving aid to Pakistan?