April 30, 2009

Apparent attack on Dutch Royal Family fails at parade on Queen's Day

Per NOS.nl, an apparent attack on the Dutch royal family at a parade in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, has failed, but not before a car drove through a crowd, injuring at least a dozen. The vehicle was headed in the direction of Queen Beatrix before it crashed; the royal family watched in awe.

Radio Netherlands reported earlier Thursday that joyous festivities were set for Apeldoorn to celebrate Queen's Day. The remainder of the celebration has been canceled, according to NOS.nl.

Local tweets in Dutch were all over this event, utilizing Twitter to share information in the breaking news situation:

  1. Adriaan Brillie
    brillie_nl (Apeldoorn, Netherlands) Auto rijdt door menigte heen in Apeldoorn. Aaanslag??? (Drive by going crowd in Apeldoorn. Attack?)
  2. Marinus v. Opzeeland
    Marinus (Apeldoorn, Netherlands) WTF !!!! auto breekt door en ramt bijna bus met koningin. (WTF! Car breaks through and almost rams bus with the queen.)
  3. Adriaan Brillie
    brillie_nl (Apeldoorn, Netherlands) Koningshuis in de bus zagen het gebeuren, geschokt natuurlijk (Monarchy in the bus saw the event, naturally shocked)
  4. Edwin Kuipers
    edwinkuipers (Apeldoorn, Netherlands) ernstig ongeval tijdens optocht apeldoorn, mogelijk doden (serious accident during parade apeldoorn, possibly dead)
  5. Emma Spek
    Emmaspek (Zutphen, Netherlands) er is volgens mij net een aanslag geweest op de koninklijke familie.. (I think there's just been an attack on the royal family ..)
  6. Enno de Witt
    Ennodewitt (Deventer, Netherlands) pffffff.... auto-ongelukje. Gewoon doorlopen mensen. (pheeww .... car accident. Just through people.)
  7. Adriaan Brillie
    brillie_nl (Apeldoorn, Netherlands) De optocht op het loo is stopgezet, of deze nog doorgaat is niet bekend. (The parade is on the loo stop put, if they can continue is unknown.)

Some Twitterers were adamant that it was not an accident.

  1. Menno Dijk
    mennodijk (Netherlands) #apeldoorn ik stond er naast zag de auto gas geven vol in de menigte, mensen in de lucht, het was een AANSLAG geen ongeluk HIJ GAF GAS (#apeldoorn I stood next saw the car full of gas in the crowd, people in the air, it was not an accident he did ATTACK GAS) from web
  2. Menno Dijk
    mennodijk (Netherlands) #apeldoorn hij ging voor de bus van de koningin WAS EEN AANSLAG!!! beveiliging was BAR SLECHT, hij ging meer dan 100km (#apeldoorn he went for the bus from the Queen WAS AN ATTACK! security was poor, he was more than 100km) from web
  3. Jasper Suijten
    JasperSuijten (Voorschoten, Netherlands) People on the scene are 100% sure this was no accident. #apeldoorn

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