Per the Los Angeles Times, two journalists from California-based Current TV have been arrested by North Korean authorities, while filming along the border with China.
Canada's CTV reports that there is confusion about which side of the border the two American reporters were actually arrested on.
@timesworld (London, England) Reasons not to film North Korea, even from China -
@klustout (Hong Kong) Confirmed by my colleague Sohn Jie Ae in Seoul: US reporter Laura Ling detained in North Korea along with Korean-American Euna Lee.
Hong Kong reporter/anchor Kristie Lu Stout has been tweeting other information on the arrests as she gets it from her sources. Follow her to read the twitter updates.
@tvegard (Oslo, Norway) US expresses concern to North Korea over detained US journalists. Men hva gjorde de to fra Current TV i grenseområdet mellom NKorea og Kina?
(But what were the two from Current TV doing on the border between NKorea and China?)
@gwendykrijger (Singapore) whilst i feel sorry for the two journalists captured in North Korea - what were they thinking ?!
@FloridaWhig Will US media cover D arrest of US reporters by North Korea? Will BHO say anything about this? He's on so much he should host D daily show
@Hacbarton (Pennsylvania, USA) % of South Korean youth who say their country should back North Korea in a hypothetical war with the US: 48%

U.S. journalists arrested by North Korea