Per The Courier-Mail, "Around 100,000 litres of oil from the cyclone-stricken Pacific Adventurer have washed up on the shores of Moreton and Bribie island and parts of the Sunshine Coast."
The areas have been declared disaster zones, allowing for state and federal assistance, according to the article. The latest report by The Courier-Mail adds that leaked oil has now reached the Brisbane River.
Oil spill tweets flowed in throughout today in Australia.
@dessessopsid (Sunshine Coast, Australia):
@turtley bad, but not too bad at Maroochydore. The water was very dirty, beach is obviously closed, but some idiot was surfing #oilspill
@Lisa_Eigi (Brisbane, Australia): is really mad about the oil spill. There was no excuse 4 it happening in the first place.
@ryanbooker (Brisbane, Australia): On this beautiful Friday the 13th, I'm heading out on a boat toward an oil spill and the tail of a cyclone. What could possibly go wrong?
Many twitterers voiced their environmental concerns.
@machroi (Sydney, Australia): Poor animals. Bad oil spill in Queensland :-(
@CGMorley (Brisbane, Australia): Oil spill on SE Qld Coast shows high vulnerable our environment is to relatively minor mishaps and flow on effect has long lasting effects.
Local politicians Lawrence Springborg and Anna Bligh toured the affected area and used Twitter to share their thoughts.
@TheRealBorg (Queensland, Australia): Leaving moreton island, what a disgrace, oil everywhere, no one cleaning up, yesterday was told by gov only a light spill, what a stuff up
@anna4queensland (Australia): Have just toured oil spill in a helicopter over Moreton Island - a terrible environmental disaster...Clean up crews on beaches after high tide recedes this morning - they're doing great work in tough conditions
Calls for help were also tweeted. Per
@abcsunshine, "Call 1800 216 723 to volunteer to clean-up the #oilspill on the coast."
The Courier-Mail
has posted photos and video of the oil spill.

Oil spill ruins beaches in Australia