Per Voice of America, the Republic of Ghana is celebrating its 52nd anniversary of its independence from British rule Friday.
In 1957, Ghana became the first sub-Saharan country to free itself from colonial rule. It is known as the "Black Star" of Africa and has been holding democratic elections since 1992. Day-long festivities are planned, including a national parade to be attended by President John Evans Atta Mills.
Twitterers in Ghana and beyond voiced their celebration.
@mensah (Ghana): Good morning all. It's holiday in Ghana. We are celebrating our independence anniversary.
@DJAbrantee (London): happy Ghana Independence Day 52 years baby
@disterics (Bay Area): Emacs wiki reminded me that it is already independence day in the motherland. Happy Indepedence Day. (
@mensah told Breaking Tweets editor
@ckanal about some of the nation's plans to celebrate the holiday.
@mensah (Ghana):
@ckanal There is going to be a big national parade. After that merry making at the beach, visit to tourist sites at country side etc :-)
Read more about the day from
Modern Ghana,
Joy Online and the
Ghanian Times.

Ghana celebrates Independence Day