The Twitterverse reacted in a variety of ways.
@eurobird (Fla./Budapest): The break-up of the EU is as of today after meeting of the heads of member states realize: you're on your own, when there is a crisis!
@sotiriskoukios (Alexandroupolis, Greece): after yesterday's EU failure to face the crisis, stocks slumming down...rock n roll guys
@ramobile of Vilnius, Lietuva, Lithuania, retweeted the @sotiriskoukios remark.
A twitterer in the Netherlands tweeted her opinion that there are more important bailouts needed.
@juliettelucie (Utrecht, Netherlands): wonders if after bailing out banks, carmakers, Iceland and Eastern Europe, someone could consider bailing out the climate.
Some twitterers turned to vulgarity, as frustrations continue to mount.
@PaulMac (Britain): Jg: politicians, brainiacs, haven't appreciated problems of resource shortage. Also eastern europe to go to [expletive]
@EverettStuckey: @GregorMacdonald we're so FUBAR we make Japan look like uh... uh... [expletive], there aren't any non-[expletived] countries left
The topic also fueled a discussion among American twitterers of who has it the worst?
@cmcfadden (Minneapolis, Minn.): the economist says that we may be screwed, but eastern europe is extra screwed. What could possibly go wrong?
@ToddSullivan (Westborough, Mass.): @EverettStuckey UK and Eastern Europe are arguably in worse shape