March 9, 2009

A Day In Seoul

While many in the Americas are sleeping, it's already 6 p.m. local time in Seoul.

Here's what some tweeters are chatting about in the capital city of South Korea:

@poem23 (Seoul): 사무실에 환기도 안되고 좁고 수많은 사람들이 몰려있어서 그런지 답답하다. 가슴이. 이거 감기기운인가. -.-; (Many people, no ventilation in the office concentrated in narrow dapdaphada seriously. Heart. This is a cold. -.-;)

@takethelongway (Seoul): never thought a digital camera would cause such a ruckus at school. i had kids hitting each other to try to be in a picture. crazy.

@JeedaiDC (Seoul): Climbed Mt.Namsan yesterday. 468 meters. Beautiful day. Saw some carved Buddhas in rocks. Learned a lot about Korea's Shilla Dynasty

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