The address came in front of thousands of supporters and commemorated the 50th anniversary of the failed Tibetan uprising that sent him into exile, according to the article.
Stephanie Nolen (@snolen), a South Asia correspondent for Canada's Globe and Mail based in New Delhi, attended the Dalai Lama's speech and live tweeted from it. Here's a sample of her tweets:
@snolen: #Dalai Lama - "Very few Chinese people have a true understanding about Tibet" due to deliberate misinformation by authorities
@snolen: #Dalai Lama - "I have no doubt that justice of #Tibet's cause will prevail iif we continue path of truth & non-violence."
@snolen: #Dalai Lama: "We must prepare ourselves in case #Tibetan struggle goes on for a long time."
@snolen: #Dalai Lama concludes by asking for peace for all beings
@snolen: the #Dalai Lama has left the temple in a swirl of monks and pipers and drummers and Tibetan flags
Someone watching coverage of the event by CNN in a nation that borders both India and China made this observation:
@sidne (Kathmandu, Nepal): CNN kept getting scrambled every time they mentioned Dalai Lama. Then cable went out completely. Coincidence?
Others in the Twitterserve noted the significance of today's date.
@Bin_Li (Beijing, China): 50 years ago, Chinese army invaded Tibet and force Dalai Lama to exile. Remember this date March 10.
@cireynolds (Chicago, Ill.): I find it odd that the exile of the Dalai Lama and Barbie have the same 50th anniversary date.
@sameetkumar (Florida): is sending thoughts and prayers for 50 years of sorrow, tears, and blood in Tibet.
@amp6 (Undisclosed): Happy(?) 50th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's exile (or "Serf Liberation Day," a title sure to win the hearts and minds of all Tibetans)