"The post was specifically created for Tsvangirai as part of a unity government that Zimbabweans hope will signal an end to the political and economic crises that have gripped the nation for months," CNN reported.
Last year, violence broke out over political conflicts that accused the country's president, Robert Mugabe, of cheating to win the general election, CNN reported. Tsvangirai, of the Movement for Democratic Change party, and Mugabe, of the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front party, have been political rivals for years
Different news outlets are reporting on the swearing in.

One source reports that there has been a "thorny start" for the new government, as police detained activists for handing out roses outside of parliament.

A Twitter user finds that Arabic news network Al Jazeera is covering the swearing in with a live feed.

Another Twitter-er notes that Mugabe may not be pleased with the ceremonies surrounding his former rival.