Per the Houston Chronicle, NASA announced Wednesday that a 1,200-pound U.S. satellite and 2,000-pound Russian satellite collided on Tuesday about 500 miles above Siberia.
American twitterers began reacting to the incident Wednesday night.
@howdyjack (Pacific Northwest, U.S.): 1st in-orbit commercial satellite collision? The start of things to come?
@BobStemen (Texas): commercial satellite destroyed in collision with another satellite? we need space cops
Some were skeptical about the collision.
@BLKROCKET (San Francisco, Calif.): A collision or a planned accident? LOL
One man found some irony in the release of the news.
@ccheney (Austin, Texas): Weird that the #Satellite #Collision and #Sirius Satellite Radio's possible bankruptcy are trending at same time. @elpinturrichio offered one of the first tweets on the incident outside of the United States.
@elpinturrichio (Vilnius, Lithuania): Whoa. A Russian and a US satellite collide in orbit. This was bound to happen some day really
As of this post, there's yet to be any Russian tweets referring to the collision.

American, Russian satellites collide