February 27, 2009

U.S., Iran exchange blows over nuclear plans

Per the AP: America will try to end Iran's nuclear ambitions and its "support for terrorism," the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. said. Ambassador Susan Rice made the remark at a Security Council meeting, prompting a sharp rebuke from Iranian envoy Mohammad Khazee.

Khazee maintained the position that they seeks nuclear power for peaceful use only, and said the accusation that they support terrorism is "baseless and absurd." Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he would welcome talks with President Obama on a basis of mutual respect.

Meanwhile, AFP reported that European powers are considering sanctions on any parties connected to Iran's nuclear program.

One Twitterer pointed to Iran's accusation that Obama's government "sounds like Bush."

@weeklypoint: Iran: Obama Makes Same Accusations as Bush at http://tinyurl.com/cgeefl (expand)

Despite Iran's insistence that its intentions are peaceful, the specter of nuclear weapons fueled fear ranging from cynical to apocalyptic.

@Criminal: The economy is in the toilet, Iran is building nukes, North Korea has a missle that can hit the US, and Jon couldn't find an easy micro. :-0

@LastDaysNews: Barak Says Israel will ‘Stop at Nothing’ to Deny Iran Nukes http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/130150

@wns_195 (Dewsbury, England): seeded "The Iran-Israel nuclear endgame is now much closer" ( http://tinyurl.com/crtk9r (expand) )

Some encouraged Israel to attack Iran.

@Patriot223 (Palm Beach, FL): @danaseverance Our little brother Israel will need to hit Iran soon. nuclear proliferation CAN NOT HAPPEN. These people hate us.

A scientific journal analyzed whether Iran could actually pose a nuclear weapons threat.

@naturenews: Iran's nuclear plant test at Bushehr yesterday was successful. See our briefing on the country's nuclear plans http://tinyurl.com/cn8snu (expand)

A Twittered post from an official U.K. news service clarified Britain's position.

@HMGOV: #FCOblogs Iran's Bushehr reactor: Some say switching on Iran's Bushehr reactor on 25 February will only.. http://twurl.nl/p4urur (expand)

Other Twitterers questioned anti-Iran sentiment.

@andrewmackenzie (Las Vegas, NV): Wondering whose money is behind this slick Iran isolation campaign web site. http://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/video/view/4

@IndustryCanada (Canada): @mattgood Kindly refrain from spreading those postings about Iran. We're trying to fake an inroad into war. We need more OIL control!

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