Per BBC News, "The Kyrgyzstan government has said its decision to close a US base that serves as a vital supply route for US and Nato operations in Afghanistan is 'final.'"
It was bad news for
@nhangen, an American currently in Afghanistan.
@nhangen (Kabul, Afghanistan) In case you didn't know, Kyrgyzstan closing the base in Manas is a big deal. That's how I got to A-stan and how I was hoping to get out.
@You2Gov suggested the U.S. doesn't need Kyrgyzstan.
@You2Gov (Malibu, Calif.): @LoLoLee Kyrgyzstan is playing realpolitik, so should we. Do we really need that base? Or is it vitally important as inroad to Russia?
Several twitterers, both in the U.S. and abroad, linked to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments on the Central Asian base closing.
@syafiza (Malaysia): Clinton: Kyrgyzstan base-closure 'regrettable': Kyrgyzstan's decision to close a strategic U.S. military base is..

U.S. Base in Kyrgyzstan will close