Per PC Magazine, Google's own-brand email system Gmail was hit was an outage early on Tuesday morning, a problem which took several hours to resolve. Here's the
official Google explanation for this morning's problems.
To show the near-ubiquitous nature of Gmail and Google, here's how 7 Twitter users in 7 different countries responded in 7 different languages (translations by Google, of course!):
@shintajiri (Tokyo, Japan) Gmail 世界規模で障害? まだ影響は出ていないみたい
(Gmail failure on a global scale? I still will not affect the)
@jarofed (Kiev, Ukraine) за результатами сьогоднішніх ранкових подій Gmail тепер потрібно називати не інакше, ніж Gfail...
(the results of today's morning events Gmail now need to call no differently than Gfail)
@ladyrasta (Sao Paolo, Brazil) é o apocalipse chegando...(tenho medo de ter emails importantes no gmail e não poder acessá-los...)
(the apocalypse is coming ... (afraid to have important emails in gmail and can not access them ...)
@Carcadons (Bologna, Italy) ha avuto attimi di panico con Gmail down per ben due ore.
(had moments of panic with Gmail down for two hours ....)
@bonarni (Copenhagen, Denmark) 113.000.000 mennesker verden over kan ikke bruge GMail lige nu. Google "is working hard to resolve this problem" - forståeligt nok..!
(113,000,000 people around the world can not use GMail right now. Google "is working hard to resolve this problem" - understandably enough ..!)
@tassaramar (Buenos Aires, Argentina) A la mañana no pude entrar a Gmail y pensé en formatear la compu. Resulta que el problema era de Google, pero en su blog no decía nada..
(In the morning I could not go to Gmail and I thought of formatting the computer. It turns out that the problem was Google, but his blog did not say anything ..)
@marccc (Paris, France) Il parait que Gmail était down. J'ai rien vu. Ca a du bon de dormir toute la journée !
(It seems that Gmail was down. I have not seen anything. It's good to sleep all day!)

Google Outage: Twitterverse reacts