Per BBC, southeast England was plummeted by snow flurries that forecasters are calling "the most severe" in six years. The commute has been difficult and some schools are shutting down this morning in the London area.
The trending topic #uksnow is now No. 1 on Twitter, as tweets are flying in all across affected areas. Here's a sample.
@helenduffett (London): - Schools all closed: who wants to come sledging? #uksnow IG8 7/10
@aaroscape (London): Some people are out with their walking poles, others are running around in their pants throwing snow balls. #uksnow
@jimbobthomas (Farnham, Surrey): #uksnow Over a foot of snow on the Hogs Back, work is cancelled!! Cats are having fun, Joyce is a vague black tail poking over the top.
@chrsoz (London): snow carnage! 8 inches where i am in s london. all buses in london cancelled (beeb), trains still running, roads screwed. #uksnow

Brits wake up to snow